Monday, November 17, 2014

Blog Envy

Sometimes there is a blog that brings up a whole array of conflicting emotions. Feelings can rang from pure adoration, to envy & disbelief to sometimes down right disdain, as in
 "How can anyone be this perfect!?"
Those are just a few of my confused reactions to Mimi Thorisson"s  Manger.

It's not just that Mimi Thorisson 
is knock dead gorgeous or that she & her husband have found the perfect chåteaux to renovate in the Bordeaux region of France, it's not even all of her incredible recipes that I find myself envying.

Nor is it the fact that she is doing all of this, seemingly without a care, while raising five children & a whole plethora of dogs. She just had her fifth baby in May.

No, while all of these things are beyond admirable, it is that Manger is so well written & so beautifully photographed. Each post is like an enchanting story to be read & savored over & over.

The amazing, warm & earthy photos of Thorisson's Icelandic husband, Oddur, are what I love & envie most about this blog. It is through his photographic eye that this tail of French life at its most lovely is truly told.

Now there is a cookbookMy Kitchen In France, to fulfill all your dreams of Franc. It is out in stores this month. 

Whether you are just discovering Mimi Thorisson's Manger or you are an ardent fan, I am offering this little review to Paulita's Dreaming of France as my contribution to such dreams.

All Photos from Manger 


  1. I was just looking at this book this weekend. it is hard to believe.

  2. I hate her, not that different than what I feel about you, another very accomplished lady who shares beautifully on her own block! But in all seriousness, thanks for sharing. She's lovely, as is her blog.
    Have a lovely week:)

  3. She does seem amazing. Maybe I could become gorgeous and buy a chateau and cook amazing things and have someone photograph me while doing it, but I'm not raising five kids. You have to draw the line somewhere. Thanks for playing along today with Dreaming of France. Here’s my Dreaming of France meme

  4. I know what you say Sally. Can anyone really have a life that glamorous? Especially with five young kids? The blog is ridiculously gorgeous- her husband is a great photographer. I first saw this blog recently. I was checking out book events in Paris while I was there, and she had an event at the American Library, but I wasn't able to make it sadly. It's still on my wishlist to get to a book event in Paris.

  5. so now I'm curious and I'll to over and have a look at her marvelous blog. But you're right sometimes it is hard to believe that anyone can be so gorgeous and have this perfect life or we all do something wrong?
    xo barbara bee

  6. I've never heard about this blog, but you've certainly convinced me to pop on over to have a look!

  7. Well now I'm drooling after taking a look at Manger.
    The girl walking in the field of bleeding hearts is one of the prettiest images I've ever seen. :) Thanks for sharing. I think your posts are just as sweet!

  8. very perfect, indeed, except for one thing : all dogs are Jack Russels! ;-)
    warm greetings from Paris!

  9. What a wonderful blog, thanks for introducing me! I love that blogs can get me all the way from my desk to sunny France!

  10. I've long been a fan of Mimi's blog. She enchants -- and yes. How CAN anyone or anything be that perfect?!

  11. I love Mimi and her blog and I can't wait to get her cookbook:) Have a great day, xo

  12. I think that is is living in France that makes it all seem so easy and wonderful.
