OK, I have been back in the states for two weeks now. It seems that it takes more effort to change from the peace & tranquility of country life to the hustle & bustle of city life, than the other way around. In other words, it is easier going from chaos to calm than from calm to chaos. I am having a bit of a hard time adjusting. Not sure how to organize my thoughts or which direction to take. I find myself acting out all the rituals of procrastination. One thing I have been doing & enjoying, is catching up on other peoples blogs. While lolling away the hours in cyber space, I found the above video, which seems to say it all. I discovered it on the blog A Little House In The Clouds. I actually met, Molly, & her lovely mother, Kay, this summer in a cafe in St. Antonin & we exchanged blog addresses. You can read about Molly & Kay's adventures in my little corner of France starting here. Their experiences were very different from my own. They traveled with a group of like minded women, stayed in a chateau & ate meals catered by a gourmet chef. Very luxurious, even I felt a little jealous & I was just a stones throw away. Molly's sister arranges these trips, you can check out her website to learn more.
Location:Boston, Ma.