The long summer days are lush & green, sunny & hot.

But the fact is, I still find myself in Boston, when I am normally in France by this time in the summer season.

I have usually left before my day lilies bloom, but this year I am still here to enjoy their summery glory.

And of course staying in Boston means lots of opportunities to share in my grandchildren's many summer activities, which I love.

But the burning question is ....am I going to France this summer & if so when. In my last post's comments Menthe Blanche very politely asked just that question. Many of my French friends are emailing to ask too, as are family & friends here in the US.

I wish I had an answer. Although I long for the peace & tranquility of my village & little house in France, this year life is just much more complicated. With so many unanswered questions still left in Boston, I am unable to make my usual summer plans, for the moment anyway. But I do hope that will change soon.
Wishing each of you a very happy summer..... no matter if you have well laid plans or not.