Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Bounty of the Season

On Saturday we went to the smaller market in Cordes. It was a rainy day so I did not take photos at the market.  But this is a photo of what I bought. I sautéed the peppers & Swiss chard in olive oil & garlic & then tossed them with orecchiette pasta  lemon juice & lots of freshly grated Parmesan cheese. It made a very nice rainy night supper. Fruit & pasteries for dessert. I had so planed to take a  photo of the beautiful jewel like pastries inside the neatly wrapped package. However, when it came time for dessert, all thoughts of photography went right out the window.

I love this season of plenty & I am so appreciative of all of my neighbor's incredible generosity. My sweet neighbor Aurora recently brought me sunflowers from a nearby farm. Another neighbor gave me the rather giant zucchini from her garden, which I turned into a lovely creamy soup. 

Yet another neighbor gave me a huge sack of tomatoes from her garden. Along with garlic from Spain & basil from my own little flowerbed I used this recipe to make a scrumptious  sauce.

The photo below is from last weeks market day, all that I had bought dumped out of my basket onto the table. Without even knowing it I had a real color palette going on.  I just adore thoes baby eggplants both the white & the purple. I slice them very thin & sauté them in olive oil until tender & golden  brown then just sprinkle with coarse sea salt. That's it & they are so delicious.

While in Spain one of my favorite tapas was a plate of  the Padròn peppersI loved them so much I just had to get some & try to make them for myself. Again you just sear in olive oil until they begin to blister on all sides then serve sprinkled with coarse sea salt. For me the best recipes are always the simplest.

I hope you are enjoying the bounty of the season & maybe, just maybe
while you do.


  1. It looks like the market is especially bountiful in the summer. What a luxury to wander through and choose delicious-looking produce. I love that you see color palettes in your vegetables.

  2. These are beautiful photos in their own right. I have great admiration for people who have the self-control and foresight to photograph food before greedily devouring it!

  3. I always enjoy the fresh bounty of a market for the best ingredients for my recipes. Your meal sounds delicious. Your photography is beautiful.........

  4. I'm so glad you didn't post the dessert shot! My mouth is watering as it is. The dessert would have done me in.

  5. Seasonal goodness at its best! What a scrumptious post. xoxo

  6. Hello,Sally.
    Hope you all are well.

  7. I just had that padron peppers too.😊
