Photography by Simple Dolphin Flickr.com

For all you writers out there it isn't too late to enter your manuscript to Shakespeare & Co.'s Paris Literary Prize.The dead line to enter a novella for consideration is December 1, 2010. The competition is the concept ofSylvia Whitman, owner of the renowned Shakespeare & Company Bookstore & is co-sponsored by the De Groot Foundation.The bookstore situated on the Left Bank just across from Notre Dame has a long & illustrious history of championing
unpublished writers. The prize of 10,000 euros may be only the icing on the cake for some lucky winner.
Having fallen in love with the musty old bookstore many years ago, on my first trip to Paris, I enjoyed reading the bio.
of it's founder George Whitman, who was originally from Salem, Ma. Even if you don't have a manuscript to enter I
think you may find the story of the store & it's owners an interesting read.
All entries may be made on line.... so what are you waiting for ?? Finish up that first draft & download it ....you never
know what may happen. Bonne Chance!